How long do motorcycle accidents cases take to settle?

Motorcycle crash cases can take several months up to a year or longer before they are settled.

The insurance company for the other party might offer you a quick settlement. These initial settlement offers are usually low-ball offers designed to get you to go away. It is usually not in your best interest to settle quickly. You should not settle until you have a good idea of the scope of your medical treatment and the impact of the injuries on your future.

Most cases are resolved by settlements rather than going to trial. Even after a lawsuit has been filed, the two sides might reach an agreeable settlement at any time. A case that does go to trial could result in a motorcycle accident victim being awarded compensatory damages.

Because every case is different, it is impossible to set a specific timetable for your settlement. However, an experienced lawyer will be able to tell you how your case will proceed. The attorney will discuss the strategy for getting you the compensation you deserve.