Is it possible for medical bills to be over my personal injury settlement? If yes, what are my options to fund my treatment?

With the current landscape in Texas surrounding personal injury laws and the limits of liability, it is entirely possible that an injured party’s medical bills exceed the personal injury settlement award. In Texas automobile insurance, the minimum limits of injury liability coverage needed are $30,000.00 per person and $60,000.00 per accident. This means that if a driver carries $30,000.00 in coverage per person, $60,000.00 per accident, the driver is in good standing with the state. Unfortunately, though, vehicles are very dangerous and often-times cause more damage than the minimum limits of liability will cover. If this is the case, the injured party can mitigate damages by carrying Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Underinsured Motorist (UM) coverages. These portions of an automobile policy are optional and can cover deficits. I always suggest to my clients and anyone that I meet to carry these additional options of PIP and UM just in case the additional coverage is needed. Another great way to help mitigate your damages in this scenario is to hire a personal injury lawyer. If an injured party has no health insurance, no primary care physician, and cannot afford treatment, a law firm can get treatment set up under a letter of protection (LOP). The LOP will protect the incurred bill(s), oftentimes with no upfront payment required. Once the case is settled, the lawyer will pay the LOP medical bills back. Oftentimes, if the medical bills are very high compared to the settlement, the LOP provider(s) will make reductions/concessions to their bill(s) in order to help with the settlement. The personal injury lawyer will fight to reduce LOP and non-LOP medical bills and liens related to the injured party’s case in an effort to maximize the settlement for the injured party. Also, in some circumstances, an Emergency Room or non-LOP provider will accept a payment program and often times will reduce the bill significantly to help.