Tyler Truck Accident Attorney

overturned truck accident

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Tyler car accident caused by a large truck, you should get help seeking compensation to cover your doctor bills and other expenses. Many tractor-trailers, cargo tankers, and other commercial trucks travel daily through Texas.

When a Texas trucking accident causes serious injuries, the drivers and trucking companies should pay for the harm they cause. Let us answer your questions and review your legal options.

The experience and knowledge of the attorney you select after a Tyler commercial truck accident can make a big difference in the outcome of your claim. Our compassionate Texas big rig accident attorneys at Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. have handled thousands of personal injury lawsuits and cases. Our law firm has offices in Houston, Corpus Christi, McAllen, Brownsville, and San Antonio.

We have the resources to see Tyler truck crash cases through to their resolution. We are dedicated to helping families throughout Texas recover from serious injuries caused by truckersā€™ negligence. Contact us to get help now!

Types of Trucks

Our Tyler truck accident lawyers at Herrman & Herrman investigate cases where an individual or family in Tyler or elsewhere in Texas has been injured in a crash involving a large commercial vehicle, typically an 18-wheeler.

Some of the types of trucks and big rigs involved in crashes that our legal team has handled include:

  • Cargo trucks
  • Semi-trucks
  • Tractor-trailers
  • Fuel trucks
  • Flatbed trucks
  • Delivery vans
  • Dump trucks
  • Tanker trucks
  • Moving vans
  • Oilfield trucks
  • Buses

It is common for a trucking company to share liability for an accident caused by a truck driver employed by the company. Truck crashes are often caused by inadequate maintenance, such as failure to adjust the truck brakes or replace worn tires.

Do I Have a Tyler Trucking or Semi-Truck Accident Case?

You should contact a Texas truck accident lawyer if you have been injured in a crash caused by a Texas commercial truck in the state of Texas. A Texas truck crash lawyer with Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., will review your accident at no charge and discuss whether you have a valid truck accident case.

We will outline your legal options so that you have the information needed to decide how to proceed. If you are unable to visit our office, we can arrange to meet with you at a location convenient to you, such as your hospital, rehabilitation center, or home.

A collision in Texas involving a commercial truck requires a detailed investigation to identify all the potentially liable parties. If you call us from the scene of the tractor-trailer accident, Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. will dispatch its accident investigation team to gather evidence immediately. Our team understands the importance of moving quickly to preserve evidence.

The trucking company or its insurance company may offer a quick, low settlement. If you have received a settlement offer, you should have a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer review it before accepting or signing anything presented by the trucking company or its insurance representative.

Our Texas semi-truck accident lawyers will review the offer and give you our informed perspective on whether it is a fair offer based on the specific facts of your accident.

You should contact a Texas attorney if an at-fault partyā€™s insurance company is disputing your claim. The collision may involve many insurance companies representing the trucking company, truck driver, trailer owner, and freight shipper.

It is difficult to negotiate on your own. If we represent you, our experienced attorneys will negotiate on your behalf with the insurance companies and seek a settlement that reflects the full extent of your injuries.

Should I Settle with the Tyler Trucking Company?

Some Texas trucking companies will contact you soon after an accident and offer a settlement. These quick settlement offers may sound impressive at first. But they typically represent a fraction of the actual value of the injury claimā€”essentially pennies on the dollar. The trucking company would like to limit its liability by settling the accident claim and getting it off the books before the full extent of the injury victimā€™s losses is even known.

In many cases, the Texas accident victim is still receiving medical treatment and incurring medical expenses. If you accept a settlement from a trucking company while still undergoing treatment, you cannot ask the trucking company later for more money if your expenses exceed the amount of the settlement. You will be stuck picking up the tab for the balance of the medical care.

If you receive a call from a trucking company offering to settle your case, you should have a skilled attorney review the offer and provide guidance about whether it is a fair offer. Be careful. You should not sign a liability release or any other form presented by the trucking company or their insurance adjuster until you have talked with a Texas personal injury lawyer.

What Do I Do If I Was Hit by a Semi-Truck in Tyler?

You may be shaken and confused in the hours after a collision with a semi-truck in Texas. If you do not require emergency medical attention, you should still seek a prompt medical evaluation.

Inform the doctor that you were involved in a Texas truck accident.

A doctorā€™s evaluation will provide an independent description of your injuries and will be relied upon by insurance adjusters if you eventually need to file a claim.

Report the accident to the police or ask someone else to summon the police if you are unable.

Do not let the truck driver talk you out of reporting the accident. Without an official police report, you will have more difficulty proving that the truck driver caused your injuries. It will be your word against that of the truck driver.

Exchange vehicle registration and insurance information with the truck driver.

Do this while you are waiting for a law enforcement officer to arrive. If the truck driver is uncooperative, wait for the police to arrive. The police will collect information.

Provide the facts of the accident to the police

Do not discuss the specifics of the accident with the other driver. Do not try to reassure the other driver that you are unharmed. Even if you feel uninjured immediately after a crash, you may wake up the next day very stiff and sore.

Take photos of the Texas accident scene.

If you can do so safely, use your phone camera to take photos showing vehicle damage, skid marks and debris on the road, and your injuries. Accident photos can provide evidence to support your claim.

Causes of Trucking Accidents in Tyler

semi truck accident with a carTexas highways are heavily traveled by trucks. Texas has a higher number of truck accidents than any other state. More than 640 people were killed, and 1,500 people sustained serious injuries in crashes involving tractor-trailers, semi-trucks, and other commercial vehicles in 2017.

The drivers and passengers in other vehicles involved in truck accidents often sustain more severe injuries.

Several factors involving the truck driver or the vehicle itself may contribute to a serious accident.

Among the regularly cited causes of truck crashes are:

  • Speeding
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Driver inattention
  • Driving on an unfamiliar road
  • Fatigue
  • Following too closely or tailgating
  • Improper lane change
  • Aggressive driving
  • Inadequate maintenance
  • Break Failure
  • Brakes out of adjustment
  • Unsecured cargo

An analysis of 2,800 commercial truck crashes by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute found that driver fatigue is a top contributing factor in crashes in which the truck driver is at fault.

Other commonly observed truck driver actions that contributed to many truck crashes were speeding, failing to yield the right-of-way, and using the wrong lane. Crashes involving speeding had a 170 percent greater risk of injury or fatality, the researchers said.

One truck accident may have multiple contributing factors and several potentially responsible parties. Working with a knowledgeable truck accident attorney is important if you or your loved one has been seriously injured.

Dangerous Roads for Tyler Semi-Truck Accidents

According to a recent National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report, Texas had the highest number of crashes involving large trucks of any state. One out of every ten vehicles involved in a fatal accident in Texas was an 18-wheeler or other type of large truck.

Most of the people killed in large truck accidents are occupants of passenger vehicles. Of 556 people killed in truck accidents in Texas in 2016, 448 of the victims were occupants of other vehicles or pedestrians. Nationwide, about 70 percent of people killed in large truck crashes are occupants of other vehicles, and 10 percent were pedestrians or bicyclists.

Traffic safety involving large trucks is a serious problem in Texas. The Lone Star State accounted for 12 percent of deadly accidents involving large trucks in the United States.

Interstate 37 between Corpus Christi and San Antonio is among the most dangerous highways in the United States, based on the rate of fatal accidents, according to a report in FleetOwner.

Interstate 35 is a north-south corridor for 18-wheelers carrying goods from Mexico through South Texas to San Antonio and points north. It has heavy truck traffic and frequent truck accidents and is one of the most dangerous stretches of highway for motorists.

Contact a Tyler 18-Wheeler Collision Attorney Now.

Contact our dedicated tractor-trailer accident attorneys at Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. for help. You want the experience of our commercial truck accident attorneys on your side.

The quicker we start working on your Texas truck case, the better able we will be to protect your rights to seek full compensation. Contact us for a free initial consultation.