San Antonio Construction Accident Attorneys

construction hard hat lying on ground

Were you hurt in an accident while on a construction job in San Antonio? If you suffered an injury while working construction in Bexar County or elsewhere in Texas, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

If your employer is disputing your right to collect workers’ compensation or doesn’t have workers’ compensation insurance, talk to a San Antonio construction work injury lawyer about the steps you can take to claim compensation.

Our construction accident attorneys in San Antonio can review the construction accident in which you were injured and discuss your legal options. Many construction workers in Texas speak Spanish as their primary language.

At Herrman & Herrman, we have attorneys and staff who speak Spanish and English. We can discuss your construction injury in your preferred language. We offer a free consultation to review your accident and answer your questions.

Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., has over seven decades of combined legal experience and has resolved more than 20,000 cases. If we believe that you have a valid injury claim that we can help with, we will offer to represent you on a contingency fee basis.

We only receive a legal fee if we obtain compensation for you. Hire a San Antonio construction accident lawyer to help you get the benefits and compensation you’re owed. Call (844) 426-6000 or contact us online to receive a free consultation and case evaluation.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer if Involved in a Construction Accident

Construction accident lawyers in San Antonio can advise you of your legal rights to workers’ compensation benefits and/or for personal injury damages, depending upon which applies.

One of the most important reasons to hire a San Antonio construction accident lawyer to handle your case is that you are likely to be contacted by an insurance company, representing the at-fault party or parties. Instead of providing any information to the insurer, refer the insurer to your attorney to speak on your behalf.

After an accident, seek medical attention and report the incident to your employer. Both provide formal documentation that you’ve been hurt on a construction site. Keep in mind that your claim could be undermined by not seeking immediate treatment.

If you do hear from an adjuster after a construction accident, remember that the insurance company is never on your side. Its primary goal is to protect its bottom line, usually by paying as little as possible to resolve your claim. Again, refer all such inquiries to your lawyer instead of making any statements that could weaken your claim.

One of the common ways that insurance companies minimize their costs of doing business is by aggressively pressuring victims to accept a lump sum settlement. While these offers do provide immediate funds and may sound tempting to some people, most initial settlement offers are much too low to cover your medical and financial needs.

A construction injury lawyer near San Antonio instead can negotiate for a fair and full settlement that covers all of your past, present, and future expenses.

A construction injury attorney can conduct an independent investigation of your accident. The lawyer will determine the cause of your accident, identify the potentially liable parties and gather evidence to support your claim.

Keep in mind that construction accidents can be very complex. Certain cases could involve defective machinery or other mechanical parts that could make certain manufacturers or sellers liable in some cases in addition to an employer.

Examples of Common Construction Accidents

Construction sites are busy, dangerous places with heavy equipment moving in close proximity to workers on foot. Workers can be hurt in many different ways.

Certain accidents may be caused by malfunctioning equipment. But many accidents stem from errors by co-workers or other subcontractors working on the same construction site. Some accidents may be the result of an employer’s or property owner’s failure to provide a safe work environment.

Some of the many possible causes of construction accidents can include the following:

Vehicle Accidents

Construction workers may be required to work on or around large transport vehicles, or specialized construction vehicles. Safety is always a priority when working with any kind of vehicle. Clear communication and following safety guidelines are essential in order to avoid accidents. However, a busy building site is filled with potential distractions, and a distracted worker might not notice a vehicle until it is already too late. These risks are increased by unsafe driving practices, or a lack of proper training, which can result in vehicle collisions and serious property damages on a worksite.

Trips and Falls

Fall accidents are responsible for thousands of injuries each year on construction sites. Falls are a common cause of injury for construction workers, but certain jobs may be at greater risk than others.

Roofing is one of the most dangerous construction jobs, because it involves regularly climbing and descending from high places. Naturally, this puts these workers at greater risk of falling from heights.

Even though workers who aren’t expected to climb up high ladders or onto roofs may be at risk for serious injury, they can still be seriously hurt by falling from heights. An electrician pulling cables and wires can trip over improperly stored materials or equipment and strike his/her head against the ground. Therefore, they must wear protective headgear at all times.

Struck by an Object

Injuries and fatalities from being struck by objects on the worksite are the second leading type of accident among the “fatal four.” In 2018, just over 11 percent of all reported construction fatalities involved falling objects.

As noted above, construction sites can be busy places filled with hazards and potential distractions. Communication between attentive workers, warning signs where necessary, and the appropriate use and storage of tools and equipment are the greatest protections against falling objects in these hazardous environments.

Falling objects and equipment represent obvious dangers, but many accidents happen when people walk into things. Electricians working on homes’ wiring can be injured by striking their heads or sustaining eye injuries while moving through small crawl spaces, or while ascending into attics. Dirt or debris can enter their eyes, which could cause them to be unable to see other dangers.


Not all injuries are immediately apparent. For example, certain illnesses relating to exposure to toxic substances may result in a person being diagnosed several years after their original exposure. An employer or property owner may be held liable if they failed to adequately protect an employee from this kind of hazard.

In certain situations, workers’ compensation is your only avenue of recovery for a workplace accident or workplace exposure. In other situations, you may have a right to bring legal action against the party that caused your injury.

Common Types of Injuries Caused by Construction Accidents

Construction accidents such as falls from heights or being struck by a piece of heavy equipment often cause more severe injuries than other types of accidents. Injured workers often require extensive medical care including hospitalization.

Common construction injuries include:

  • Lacerations
  • Fractures
  • Sprains
  • Muscle strains
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Burn injuries

Injured construction workers are frequently unable to return to work for an extended period of time, resulting in loss of household income and other hardships. Some people who have suffered particularly serious injuries may be permanently disabled and incapable of regaining any form of employment. You need a strong San Antonio worker injury attorney fighting on your behalf for full compensation for you.

A trusted construction injury lawyer in San Antonio at Herrman & Herrman will take the time to understand the impact that your injury has had on your life. We’ll work to ensure that you receive all the necessary treatment you need.

Certain construction accident injuries could prove to be fatal. When a worker is killed in a construction accident in Texas, the family of the deceased person may be entitled to death benefits through workers’ compensation and, in some cases, may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the negligent party or parties.

The immediate family of a construction worker who has been killed only has two years from the date of death to file a wrongful death lawsuit in court. Other legal deadlines may apply to a workers’ compensation claim. It is important to seek the guidance of an experience personal injury lawyer about the appropriate steps to take. You want to seek the guidance of an attorney as soon as possible if you’re hurt at work.

Contact Herrman & Herrman San Antonio Construction Accident Lawyers

Did you sustain injuries or was your loved one harmed or killed in a construction accident in San Antonio? Do not wait another moment to seek legal guidance.

At Herrman & Herrman, we pride ourselves on helping hardworking construction workers and their family members after a serious accident. We have attorneys and staff who speak both Spanish and English, so we can review your accident and legal options in the language that you are most comfortable discussing legal matters.

Our construction work injury attorneys in San Antonio handle cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay us anything unless we obtain compensation for you through a settlement or court award. Call (361) 882-4357 or contact Herrman & Herrman online to schedule a free consultation.

Our San Antonio office is located at 8122 Datapoint Dr Suite 816, San Antonio, TX 78229.