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Category: Articles

What is a Demand Packet?

There are several steps in the field of personal injury in order to get a case settled for the client. One of the final steps includes writing a demand letter to the insurance company and putting together what some call a “Demand Packet”. A demand packet includes a demand letter … Continue reading

How Should I Dress For A Legal Proceeding?

So you have to attend a legal proceeding. Maybe it’s a deposition or a court hearing. Maybe you were a witness, or maybe it’s for any injury you sustained? Maybe you have jury duty coming up? At some point in all of our lives, we will all likely end up … Continue reading

What Insurance Company Should I Get?

As a personal injury attorney in Corpus Christi, Texas I deal with insurance companies all the time. I also have clients and friends ask me the Million Dollar Question, “What insurance company is the best?” All I am able to do is give them MY personal opinion of what companies … Continue reading

Sports Lawsuits – Believe It or Not

Lawsuits and sports do not typically go hand and hand. However, there are several instances when the two come together and the results can be quite amusing. Below are a few chosen sports lawsuits that are so incredible it is almost hard to believe they’re real. This is the “Ripley’s … Continue reading

Law Schools in Texas

There are a number of law schools in Texas that cater to all the needs of new and potential law students. Texas is one of the most populous states in the nation. With that fact, comes the benefit of a number of law schools that bolster the legal community, as … Continue reading