Floods can occur anywhere, with floodwaters rising gradually or flash floods striking suddenly. Flash floods are the number one weather-related killer in the United States — most flood fatalities happen because people try to drive through deadly waters rather than avoid them.
Water’s powerful force can easily overtake vehicles caught in a flood. Follow these tips to stay safe in your car during a flood.
How to Drive in a Flood
Pay attention to barricades.
Don’t ignore them by driving past them.
Do not drive through standing water on roads or in parking lots.
The average automobile can be swept off the road in 12 inches of moving water, and roads covered by water are prone to collapse. Attempting to drive through water also may stall your engine, with the potential to cause irreparable damage if you try to restart the engine. If you come upon a flooded street, take an alternate route.
Take extra precautions if you’re forced to drive through water.
If no alternate route exists and you have no other reasonable alternative but to drive through standing water:

Stay off the telephone unless you must report severe injuries.

For expert legal advice, contact the personal injury law offices of Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. to speak with an experienced attorney. Call 361-882-4357 to schedule your free consultation today!