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Vehicle overturns, blocks left lane at Texas 1604 Loop and Babcock Rd

SAN ANTONIO, TX – A vehicle overturned and blocked the left lane of traffic at westbound Texas 1604 Loop and Babcock Rd on Tuesday night, according to TTN San Antonio.

The accident stop-and-go traffic conditions until La Cantera Pkwy, nearly a mile west of where the crash occurred.

Officials have not released information concerning the cause of the crash or if anyone sufferred any injuries as a result.

Call the sympathetic San Antonio car accident lawyers at Herrman and Herrman if you or a loved one have been injured in an accident because of the actions of another driver. We will go over your case with you to determine how to secure the financial compensation you are owed for your injuries. We can be reached by phone at (210) 405-7039 or by completing our contact form.