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McAllen on the Rise

A recent study shows that the City of McAllen is now ranked No. 10 in boomtowns or better known as a growing population and improved lifestyles, with plenty of jobs and businesses thriving.

This result was found by looking at five-year trends across America looking at changes between 2011-2016.

A boomtown is one defined by whether people are coming and is the metropolitan area growing to keep up. The study used the Census Bureauā€™s American Community Survey to measure the changes in total population and the number of houses.

So where did McAllen stack up? At No. 10. Right between Houston at No. 11 and San Antonio. No. 9. Austin showed the most growth over the five year period and got a score of a 100 according to the study.

McAllen Draws National Attention

McAllen population grew by 9 percent over this five year period, with housing increasing by 6.2 percent.

The Cityā€™s labor sector grew by 8 percent and the unemployment rate dropped almost 11 percent. People made on average 18 percent more as well.

Finally, 6.5 percent more businesses came about and 11.5 percent more employees.

McAllen is garnering national attention with immigration and other issues that negatively portray the Rio Grande Valley as an area stricken with poverty and a cesspool at times.

Leaders like McAllen in nationā€™s polls show that this is not the case and itā€™s a community that is booming as the study shows.

The proof is in the pudding. Like many like to say. Over the past 5 plus years, it has shown. Anyone that has been in the area over the past 5 years can attest to that and can see it with their own eyes with the business coming to town. Investors coming to town and consequently more people coming to town.

Growth is only a good thing for McAllen as well as the area and the buzz these types of polls create cannot be undersold. McAllen and the region deserve the recognition for what the people have been able to do and accomplish.

In the next five years, many of the other areas in the Rio Grande Valley are sure to start to experience similar booms in every area. Education is key and our leaders have done that. Canā€™t wait to see what the future holds. McAllen a boomtown for sure. The region is certainly a boom region as well.