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Listen Up and Buckle Up

Proper car seat safety is key in potentially saving your child’s life. One of the most overlooked things parents face these days is that their children are not being buckled in- correctly.

According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), two out of three child safety seats are not used correctly.

“Save Me With a Car Seat” Campaign

September is the Texas Department of Transportation’s Save Me with a Seat campaign where parents are encouraged to sign up for a free safety seat check-up at any of their 25 district offices in the state. These free safety seat inspections take about 20-30 minutes and are available weekdays throughout the year as well. Parents need to take advantage of these opportunities. Why not take advantage of this at no cost? Just a small portion of your day could make all the difference.

The most common mistake is not being buckled-in correctly, which is usually associated with the size of the safety seat being used. Unfortunately, more often than not, it is the wrong size. Just like children grow out of their clothes, the same thing applies to car seats.

The Law requires all children under 8 years old, unless they are taller than 4 feet, 9 inches, to be in a safety seat whenever they ride in a vehicle. Fines for failing to do so can be up to $250.

Avoid Secondhand Car Seats

TxDOT warns to not buy a secondhand car seat as you do not know what condition they are in or if they have been recalled. Purchasing secondhand could save you money, but cost you a life. It is highly recommended that car seats all be registered. This helps ensure parents are notified about recalls and guided through the repair process. Usually, the car seat comes with the registration information that can then be done online with your vehicle manufacturer to give you peace of mind. Often times, you can also look up the website of the car seat brand to do this.

Children rely and depend on their parents for safety. They have no sense of what needs to be done or what the law says needs to be done. This is the parents’ duty to be on top of. It is necessary for parents to make sure of what needs to be done and abide by the law to ensure their children are safe. Children trust that their parents know this.

Many times accidents render the car seats unsafe. It is the responsibility of the adult to replace car seats. This is to ensure they will hold up in the event of a future accident.

These minor things are taken for granted many times. Being in a rush or going about the day can deter you from these minor, but crucial things. Staying on top of these things can save lives and make sure that our children are as safe as necessary. As a parent top priority should always be your child’s safety. Just a few extra minutes getting the car seats checked out or registered could make all the difference. Always take a few extra minutes. It could potentially be what saves your child’s life.