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¿Qué Significa Exención de Responsabilidad?

A lo largo de su vida, es muy probable que haya encontrado una exención de responsabilidad. Esto puede haber sido antes de una actividad extrema como puenting o paracaidismo, o como parte de la participación en algo que parece bastante inocuo, como una liga deportiva después de la escuela. Sin … Continue reading

What Does That Waiver of Liability Mean?

Throughout your lifetime, it’s quite likely you have encountered a liability waiver. This may have been before an extreme activity. Like bungee jumping or skydiving, or as part of participation in something that seems rather innocuous. For example like an after-school sports league. However, you may not fully understand what … Continue reading

Who is Liable in City Bus Crashes?

Buses are large. Have minimal turning radii and lack many security features that passenger vehicles typically have, such as airbags and seatbelts. Because of their large size, buses also need more lead time to break, and they have bigger blind spots. Whether you’re a passenger of a city bus, a … Continue reading

Reclamaciones de Bolsas de Aire Defectuosas: Una Guía

Estar en un accidente automovilístico donde las bolsas de aire no se despliegan puede ser profundamente traumático, por no mencionar peligroso. Lesionarse en un accidente automovilístico es una cosa, pero lesionarse debido a que una característica de seguridad no funciona correctamente es completamente diferente. Es difícil saber exactamente quién tiene … Continue reading

Defective Airbag Claims: A Guide

Experiencing an automobile accident is a harrowing event in itself, but the aftermath can be even more distressing when crucial safety features, such as airbags, fail to deploy. The sense of security that these mechanisms are meant to provide can be shattered in an instant, leaving individuals not only physically … Continue reading

¿Lesionado en el Trabajo en Texas? Conoce tus Derechos

Los trabajos son entornos en los que pasamos gran parte de nuestro tiempo, solo superados por el hogar. Sin embargo, a veces el trabajo implica un comportamiento potencialmente riesgoso o peligroso, especialmente si trabaja en un oficio como la construcción o la contratación que se centra en el trabajo o … Continue reading

Injured at Work in Texas? Know Your Rights

Jobs are environments where we spend a lot of our time, second only to home. However, sometimes work involves potentially risky or dangerous behavior, particularly if you work in a trade like construction or contracting that focuses on physical labor or tasks. If you’re injured at work, you need to … Continue reading